
A Journey From Lonely and Hopeless to Thriving, Successful and Fulfilled

by | May 19, 2021 | All the Vibes

Welcome back, today is one of my favorite conversations to have. I’m on a ferry to visit my best friend and celebrate her birthday and a million dollar year. I want to talk to you all about who you are.

“To know ones desires is to know ones future, to hold the essence is to be one with that future that time is now coming to claim it.”

Likewise, I fully believe that every desire that is on our heart, everything we can see ourselves doing. It’s there because it’s our opportunity to do it. It’s there because its in our future.

I could never image myself working in an office job, working a full-time job. I never see myself working a full-time job because I can’t picture myself at that moment. Not only that, but I believe that visions and ideas I see in my head are opportunities to create that reality.

My journey was inspired by luxury and freedom. I worked in fashion before starting my own business back when I was in college. I also had the opportunity to travel and study abroad learning of my heritage. During this time I really found a deeper sense of self.

I grew this greater understanding of myself and it was so powerful. I found this desire to make people happy and make magic just like my job at Disney.

It always had the same results, it shocked people, and they couldn’t believe the magic.

But I dropped by dreams to come home to marry my now husband. I wanted that experience. The journey of finding myself through the loneliness and loss of friends. I found myself in a position of just doing my thing.

At one point, I recognized that something was wrong and became very cautious of how I was feeling. My autoimmune disease had effects on my living and through a series of test and search I kept going. I knew something had to shift, and then I had my first client.

I was in…that love for freedom and flexibility and making magic for people. It all clicked, my journey that had seemed so hard and so confusing and so scattered all made perfect sense.

The luxury life that I had experienced in New York I could show people in my business. The customer service and experience that I got to share with my clients came through my experience at Disney. My speaking up for myself and speaking my truth and my beliefs came from study of Judaism, these experiences made me who I am.

The most powerful thing I’ve ever learned is following an essence, the piece of yourself that says I can see myself doing that.

The truth is holding an essence for a desire and following the nudges is so powerful.

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  1. My journey from where I started to now.
  2. How your experiences are leading you on your path.
  3. Holding an essence for a desire and following the nudges.

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