
Work 1:1 with Maria

So, you’ve found yourself on this website….
maybe you’re new to my corner of the world or you’ve been here a bit… 

Before applying to work with me, I  want you to know a few things.

I  do business differently. I  am not some woo-woo coach. I’m not a hustle coach. Frankly, I’m not even a coach. I  am a business, brand and marketing strategist. I  am a conscious leader, helping my clients, students and audience create lasting shifts and changed to their life and business. I  help my clients create 10’s of thousands of dollars in their business per month… cash. Which is amazing. But, more so than that, our work together has my clients feeling fulfilled, free, wealthy, relaxed, excited and refreshed. Like I  said… I  do business differently. 

If you are looking for the type of mentor who is going to beat around the bush, thats not me. 


Here’s what you need to know: I  am a #NoFluff #JustFacts mentor. I  change the lives of my clients through not only strategy work but also mindset work. I  believe at the end of the day we are human, that means we need to have laugher, joy and love in our life. If we cannot fully experience  our human life, how do we expect to thrive in our business life? 


Working with me 1:1 is a commitment  not to be taken lightly. When applying to work with me, booking the call and finally getting on that call, you are agreeing to be coach able, optimistic  and ready to implement  the directions given. When you apply to work with me, I  view this as the start of the relationship. I  will be exploring your platforms, looking at your business and making notes before we even get to our application  call. For one reason – I  only work with Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who are ready, committed  and who I believe are ready to create results. This might seem silly but the truth is, I  want our relationship when working together to be built on a powerful  foundation – not a rocky one. Meaning, I  want to make sure we both feel good. So you have been following me for a few minutes or a few months and made your decision to come this far, now its my turn to do my due diligence. 


So, go fill out the application, book the call, and let’s explore the future of our relationship. 


I  cannot wait to chat with you on our call!